Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet the Teacher Monday !

Hi my name is Lynne Busse and this is my 29th year of teaching. Teaching has always been my favorite thing to do since I was about 9 years old. I have taught Kindergarten, first, and second grade. I have taught Kindergarten for the last 9 years in my current building. We have an all day every day Kindergarten program which is very benificial to the students. Being a mother of 4 fantastic kids is another of my favorite things! I have a son, 22, who attends University of Dayton in Secondary Education. And I have 3 daughters. One daughter, 21, attends Purdue University in Biomolecular Engineering and is on the Crew team, another daughter, 18, is a senior and wants to attend University of Cincinatti in Graphic Design, and my last daughter is 16 and a sophomore in high school, she wants to become a music teacher.

My husband has always been very supportive of my career! He doesn't comment when I spend to much at Wal Mart or Target and it is all for my classroom. He helps me lug rubber maid tubs filled with teaching units to and from school. He fixes my play kitchen when the doors break and makes pointers and easels whenever I need them.

I love teaching, reading, teaching, lounging with my kids, teaching, blogging and more teaching!
I love getting my classroom ready in August to begin the school year and meeting the new children that will be in my class.
When the room goes from this to...

this in a matter of a couple of weeks I get excited.
I love using songs and movement to teach skills and motivate the students.
I love finding new ideas and new ways to teach the same skills each year.
I love Dr. Jean and Heidisongs!
All in all I guess I love teaching!

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